Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Twisting the Rope

I used this ritual for a memorial service for a friend several years ago and am planning to use some variant for Solstice this Sunday. It was originally done at Mabon and then used once at Litha as well. I think with a few adjustments it will be wonderful for Yule.

A tray of ashes and dust is the centerpiece of an altar table. It is surrounded by 4 short candles and the symbols of the 4 elements.

The people gather. When the time has come I will call people together with these words:

This is the time of harvest, of thanksgiving and joy,
of leave taking and sorrow.
Now day and night are equal,
in perfect balance,
and we give thought to the balance and flow
within our own lives.
The Sun King has become the Lord of Shadows,
sailing West:
we follow Him into the dark.
Life declines;
the season of barrenness is on us,
yet we give thanks
for that which we have reaped and gathered.
We meet to turn the Wheel
and twist the cord of life
that will sustain us through the dark.

I'll light the four candles repeating the Kore chant

She changes everything she touches
and everything she touches changes.

Then we'll begin the service for Chris.

We gather here now to bid farewell to a friend who must travel far.
The blessings of the Goddess, Of the God, of the Old Ones, and of good friends are with you as you travel beyond.

Then those who would like to speak will have that opportunity. If there is music it may be played or sung at this time. When all have spoken, I'll return to the ritual with these words:

There is a reason for being here
In this world and this life.
There is a reason for leaving,
when the purposes of this life are done.
The soul must journey beyond to pause,
to rest, to wait for those who are loved.
For the world beyond is a land
of eternal summer, and of joy,
far from the cares of this world,
with happiness and with youth anew.

Then I'll take a pinch of the ashes and dust and sprinkle it in the east and talk of Chris's love of the air. I'll sprinkle some in the south and speak of his firey spirit. I'll sprinkle some in the west and speak of his love of the water. And I'll sprinkle some in the north and talk of his love of the earth.

Then we'll ask for volunteers (perhaps you'd like to choose the people) who will stand at each of the four corners of the table and hold a skein of yarn. Then people will come up four at a time and walk around them with the skein twisting it together into a rope surrounding the four volunteers. As they twist the rope, we'll tie feathers, ribbons, flowers, leaves, etc. into the skein. When the skeins are empty and the rope is complete, the four will slip outside it and hold it together. They will carry it to the door and hold it so that everyone can walk through the circle on the way out of the room. Then, as people are ready to walk out, I'll give this benediction:

Behold, the circle of rebirth,
The cord of life.
You will never fade away.
Autumn's grain is spring's seed.
Blessed be the Mother of all life.
Blessed be the life that comes from her and returns to her.

As people walk through the circle we'll repeat the blessing:

We have sown, We have tended,
We have grown, We have gathered.
We have reaped a good harvest.
Lady, we thank you for your gifts.
Lord, we thank you for your bounty.
We thank you for the life of Chris.

When everyone is out, I'll open the circle and put out the candles.