Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Imbolc, or Groundhog's Day

It's Imbolc. Or you may know the day as Brigid, Candlemas or GroundHog's Day. It is a cross-quarter holiday in the pagan year. The cross-quarters are those that come half-way between the seasonal holidays (spring, summer, fall, winter) and in many instances, we have bigger secular celebrations on those days than we do on the Solstices and Equinoxes.

So what is this day? Well, it is the feast of lights and marks for many of us the beginning of the end of winter. It's the time when you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. It is a fire holiday. Fire has kept us warm through the winter. Fire has cooked our food. In this day and age, you could say that fire even transports us with the controlled bursts of the internal combustion engine. But more than anything else, Fire gives us light.

There are two simple rituals that I'll use to celebrate Imbolc this year. The first is that I'll start the spring cleaning. (Actually I started this past weekend, but I'll do some ritual cleaning task tonight to really get started.) Second, tomorrow as I settle down in the family room I'll finish burning the candles on the log from Solstice. We've burned them periodically over the past six weeks, but there are still a few that are not completely melted down to puddles of wax. It will be my own candle celebration this year. As I look at them tomorrow, I'll be thinking of the light at the end of the tunnel, the lengthening days, the newness of spring, and the blooming of nature, including my own nature.

Enjoy! Blessed Be!